Catholic Foundation of Utah

Legacy Leadership

In response to your commitment to the Church, the Trustees of the Catholic Foundation of Utah would like to introduce you to the Legacy Leadership program. This special program is designed to address the needs of both individual parishioners and parish communities. Most of all, it addresses the universal need to plan for the security and well-being of our families and Church. It is an unfortunate fact nearly 50 percent of all people die without a will. In the absence of a will or trust, courts are forced to guess your intentions regarding the people and institutions you cherish. In answer to this need for planning, the Legacy program provides important information regarding the establishment of a will or trust, or the amendment of existing documents. In addition, the Legacy program encourages each of us to ensure the future growth and stability of the Catholic Diocese of Salt Lake City by making charitable gift provisions for parish communities, or other Catholic charities in Utah.

Legacy Leadership Society Members

The Legacy Leadership Society was established to honor those persons or families who have made, or intend to make, a legacy gift to their parish community or other Utah Catholic charity through their will or trust.

Dr. and Mrs. Dominic Albo
Teresa Alire
Julia Shigeko Ando
Esther Archuleta
†Tom Archuleta
Carl Arnes
† Cecelia Arnes
Anita Bader
† Gordon Bader
† Hazel S. Baer
Bruce and Rosemary Baron
† John W. and Christine Barr
Mr. and Mrs. Rich Barra
† Audrey Barrett
† Eugene Barrett
† Pauline Bassler
† Paul W. Belcher
Louise E. Best
† Dean Betenes
Elsa Beuschell-Deming
Richard Bingham
† Elizabeth D. Bintz
Mrs. John Bisignano
Catherine G. Bonner
John Boyd
† William Bradshaw
† Sister Kathleen Brady, S.F.C.C.
Mr. and Mrs. John Brockert
Todd E. and Suzie Brown
† Adrienne Buck
Brenda Buddell
† Lawrence Buecher
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Burleson
Rev. Msgr. Robert J. Bussen
† Mrs. Beatrice Carlquist
† Antoinette Carter
† Emery M. Carter
† Miguel R. Casias
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Catlin
† Marie L. Caulfield
Evelyn M. Christensen
† James W. Cochran
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Cochran
† Rev. James E. Collins
John Condas
† Mary H. Conner
† Mrs. R. W. Connole
† Jesse Coogan
† Joseph L. Cook
† Geraldine Corcoran
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cormier
† Mrs. Walter E. Cosgriff
† John W. Creighton
† Jeramiah Crowley
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Crumbo
† Rev. Thomas L. Culleton
† Katherine Cunningham
† Peter Cunningham
John Curtin
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Daly
Mr. and Mrs. John Debernard
† Jean DeBouzek
Shirley DeBouzek
† Rev. J. G. Delaire
Robbie DeRooy
†Vincent P. Donlon
† Margaret Dooley
† Richard W. Dooley
† John Drebbs
Jacqueline E. Dubois and
Gerald L. Schwantz
Martha Dykstra
† Emma S. Egan
† George Egan
† Margaret “Peggy” E. Eklund
James Emerson
† Joseph Endrizzi
† Cora Evans
† Mr. Robert Evans
Mary Evans
† Rose A. Farrell
† Chester Fassio
Kay Fassio
† Most Rev. Joseph L. Federal
† James Fell
David J. Fitzgerald
Rev. Msgr. J. Terrence Fitzgerald
† Eleanor F. Fitzpatrick
† John F. Fitzpatrick
† Margaret M. Fitzpatrick
Deacon and Mrs. Max Flaim
Edith A. Florin
† Charles F. Fratto
Lynn Fratto
Rev. David Gaeta
† Hazel Galligan
† Thomas Galligan
John W. Gallivan
Donald Gamble Family
† Agnes Garcia
† Helen A. Garver
† Lucille Gielow

P. Michael Gibbons and
Jenifer Brennan Gibbons
Mr. and Mrs. Clark P. Giles
† Helen T. Gish
† Elsie M. Glaser
Estella Goggin
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald E. Gordon
† Grace Gossett
† Josephine Gossner
Theresa Greenfield
† Julius Greenwald
A. P. Gruszkiewicz
† Angela Hanrahan
† Gertrude Harding
† Katherine M. Harmon
† Sara Harter
† Anthony G. Hatsis
Bernadette Hayes
† Ellen Hayes
Emmanuel D. Hebert
† Rev. Msgr. John J. Hedderman
Nelle E. Heeney
Graham and Angela Helsby
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hendrickson
John and Jean Henkels
† Florence K. Hohman
Lynde D. Hoopes
† Alice Hovorka
† Most Rev. Duane Hunt
Jon and Karen Huntsman
† Berna Dean Hutteman
† Thomas Ivers
† Agnes E. Johnson
† Ermine H. Johnson
† Lillian Johnson
† Mary Judge
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Karz
Stephanie Kawamura
† Isabelle Z. Keane
† John C. Keane
† Edmund J. Kearns
† Jennie Kearns
† Margaret F. Kearns
† Thomas Kearns
† Joseph Keating
† Alice Kelley
Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Kempin
J. Kennedy
† Patrick Kennedy
† James P. Kerby
Sharon Kessel
† Nellie Kirkmeyer
†Ted Kirkmeyer
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Kladis
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kleczkowski
Regina Kloepfer
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kolesar
† Helen Kramer
Gloria Kucia
† John E. Lackstrom
† John Lang, Jr.
† Dora A. Lang
† Blanche Leggitt
Howard R. and Nancy K. Lemcke
Frank X. Leonard and
Kathleen Roberts Leonard
John Loffredo Family
† Kenneth Long
Carolina M. Lorenzana
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Lundgren
† Margaret M. Lynch
† Kay Ann Madigan
† Charles A. Maguire
† Rev. Patrick A. Maguire
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Majka
† George S. Malouf
† Gladys M. Malouf
Mr. and Mrs. Carmen Mancuso
Mary Manley
† Patrick J. Mannion
Ernest D. Mariani
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Marriott
† P. O. Marron
Dolores Martinez
Deacon and Mrs. Silvio Mayo
† Philip A. McArdle
† Frank J. McCarthy
† Jane Finn McCarthey
† Anna McCornick
† Mr. and Mrs. Paul McGill
Mr. and Mrs. Steven McGrath
† Hugh F. McKee
† Birdie McKenna
† Ferne McLennan
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen McNamara
John McSorley
† N. J. Meagher
† Gloria Sicolo Mecham
† Esther Menadue
† Helene Mileski
† Michael T. Miller
† Harold O. Molitor
† Rev. Maurice Moran
† Michael Moran
Tammie Moore
Rev. Msgr. Terence M. Moore
† Rev. Msgr. Joseph P. Moreton
† Kate Morgan
† Don Morrison
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Moskal
† Della Mullins
† Frances Murphy
† Mary A. Murphy
† Mary G. Murphy
† Patrick T. Murphy
† Simon A. Nelligan
† Edward Noonan
† Constance G. Norton
† Roselee Norwood
† Evelyn O’Brien
John and Lisa O’Brien
† Robert O’Brien
† Mary O’Connor
† Bridget J. O’Leary
† Elizabeth O’Neill
† Rev. Garrett O’Neill
†Vivian C. Ogden
Criseida Olmetta
Glen W. Olsen
Suzanne Olsen
Dr. Theresa Overfield
† Clarence J. Palen
Deacon and Mrs. Lowell Palm
† Gordon H. Peacock
Emma Perea
† Marion B. Pett
† John M. Phelan
Katherine A. Polanshek
James T. Pollard
† Rev. Msgr. Robert C. Pollock
† Irene Porter
† Leo Porter
Scott Posselli
Pat Powers
John S. Price
† Phil Purcell
† Mary Ranel
† Frank Reicherzer
Judith Reynolds
† Rev. Francis Richard
† Marion Riggert
† Mr. and Mrs. John C. Roberts
† Lucy Rubick
† Daniel D. Ryan
† Dorothy Ryan
† Josie Ryan
Dan Sample
† Amy Sanchez
Norman Savoie
Skip and Elizabeth Schirf
James and Antoinette Schofield
Mr. and Mrs. Pieter Scholte
Charlotte Schovaers
† Leon Schovaers
†Teresa Schumacher
† George Sedauski
Kathy Sedlak
† Margaret K. Shaw
Ronald Shaw
Mr. and Mrs. Clough Shelton
Kurt Simpson and
Kimberly McKnight
† Rev. Francis J. Sloan
John C. and Mary Kay Soucy
Richard Steiner
Robert Steiner
James D. Stephens Family
Mr. and Mrs. William Stinner
Jeff and Judi Stokes
Fred and Pam Strasser
Craig M. Stratton
Eva Street
† Rev. Msgr. John J. Sullivan
† Irene C. Sweeney
Beverly Taylor
Chris Taylor
† Lavonne K. Taylor
Gary and Marianna Topping
† Michael T. Vaughan
†Veronica N. Vaughan
Rev. Msgr. William Vaughan Family
John and Linda Wainscott
Jesse A. Walters
Leo J. Walz
† Bill Ward
Stephen Francis Weber and
Mary Ellen Healy Weber
Most Rev. William K. Weigand
Mary P. Williams
Philip J. Williamson
† Mabel Worthen
† Mr. Joseph Zvonek
Mrs. Joseph Zvonek
† Deceased
