Diocese News

Diocese News

Top stories around the Diocese as featured in our Intermountain Catholic newspaper.

Seeds of SEEK25 already bearing fruit
Courtesy photo

Seeds of SEEK25 already bearing fruit

By Laura Vallejo
Intermountain Catholic
“Trying to explain with words all that I was able to experience, … I am still processing all the joy that it has brought to my life.”  -  Michelle Patterson, St. Joseph parishioner >>>
Las semillas del SEEK25 dan frutos y seguirán dando más
Foto de Cortesía

Las semillas del SEEK25 dan frutos y seguirán dando más

“No lo puedo describir con palabras. Tratar de explicar todo lo que siento… Todavía lo estoy procesando es una inmensa alegría que ha llenado mi vida.” - Michelle Patterson, feligrés de la parroquia Católica de St. Joseph en Ogden>>>
Marriage event will include presentations, Mass with Bishop Solis, dinner date night
Intermountain Catholic

Marriage event will include presentations, Mass with Bishop Solis, dinner date night

By Laura Vallejo
Intermountain Catholic
The Annual Diocesan Marriage Celebration will be Saturday, Feb. 15: it will include Marriage Enrichment presentations, a bilingual Mass with Bishop Oscar A. Solis presiding; and a dinner date night with music and dancing. 
Learn to make the most of this pilgrim year

Learn to make the most of this pilgrim year

By Laura Vallejo
Intermountain Catholic
“Pilgrimage: The Spiritual and the Practical” by Luke Stager will be Thursday, Jan. 23, 6:30 p.m. in the social hall of St. Mary of the Assumption Parish, 1505 White Pine Canyon Road, Park City. RSVP to https://www.stmarysparkcity.com/summit>>>
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