Diocese News

Diocese News

Top stories around the Diocese as featured in our Intermountain Catholic newspaper.

Pope Francis' Lenten message

Pope Francis' Lenten message

By Marie Mischel
Intermountain Catholic
“This Lent, God is asking us to examine whether in our lives, in our families, in the places where we work and spend our time, we are capable of walking together with others, listening to them, resisting the temptation to become self-absorbed and to think only of our own needs,” Pope Francis wrote.>>>
El Papa Francisco durante la Cuaresma: �Somos capaces de caminar juntos?
IC Foto/Laura Vallejo

El Papa Francisco durante la Cuaresma: �Somos capaces de caminar juntos?

By Marie Mischel
Intermountain Catholic
“En esta cuaresma, Dios nos pide que comprobemos si en nuestra vida, en nuestras familias, en los lugares donde trabajamos, en las comunidades parroquiales o religiosas, somos capaces de caminar con los demás, de escuchar, de vencer la tentación de encerrarnos en nuestra autor refe-rencialidad, ocupándonos solamente de nuestras necesidades,” escribió el Papa.>>>
Pope, from hospital, writes about �blessing� hidden in frailty
CNS photo/Paul Haring

Pope, from hospital, writes about �blessing� hidden in frailty

By Catholic News Service
 “I feel in my heart the ‘blessing’ that is hidden within frailty, because it is precisely in these moments that we learn even more to trust in the Lord; at the same time, I thank God for giving me the opportunity to share in body and spirit the condition of so many sick and suffering people.” - Pope Francis>>>
Catholic Relief Services� Rice Bowl program celebrates 50 years of global hunger reduction

Catholic Relief Services� Rice Bowl program celebrates 50 years of global hunger reduction

By Catholic Relief Services
“This increase in hunger that we’re seeing is devastating.” - Sean Callahan, CRS president and CEO>>>
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