Office of Marriage and Family

Marriage Enrichment

Marriage and Family

Every family is called to be a place of prayer, service, and love – a “little Church of the home.” Families naturally do this in their day-to-day lives: “The spirituality of family love is made up of thousands of small but real gestures” (Pope Francis, Amoris Laetitia, no. 315). They do this by strengthening the bonds of love among their members, and by asking the Lord’s presence into their homes. There are so many ways to make your family a domestic Church, and the content here can provide guidance and support.

Couples for Christ

Couples for Christ is an international association of faithful recognized by the Pontifical Council of the Laity which started in the Philippines and serving in sixty countries in the world. Their mission is to promote family unity and Christian spirituality, formation, and service for parish leaders, couples, family, singles, and youth. 

In 2018 Bishop Oscar A. Solis endorsed Couples for Christ and welcomed them to the Diocese of Salt Lake City. They have presented several programs in the diocese in both English and Spanish.

What is Couples for Christ? 

Mission & Vision



If you'd like more information about Couple for Christ and how to bring it to your parish, contact the Family Life Office at

USCCB Marriage & Family Resources

Love Means More

Love Means More (formerly Marriage: Unique for a Reason) is an initiative of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), under the Committee on Laity, Marriage, Family Life, and Youth. Visit for more information.

Marriage Resources

Witness to Love: Be Light Date Night Series

Marriage Renewal Date Night Series

The Witness to Love marriage apostolate offers a Marriage Renewal Date Night Series. This 5-part online series features couples who share real tips for renewing your marriage during this unique time in our lives. The apostolate also recently launched Be Light: Year of Belonging, which is the first year of a five-year movement to draw married couples closer together in Christ while being transformed into family missionary disciples. 

Beloved: Finding Happiness in Marriage

Created by the Augustine Institute, Beloved is a 12-part video series that explores the meaning of marriage and how to live it out together. Each session includes about 30 minutes of video content presented by well-known Catholic authors and speakers. The program is available online with a subscription to FORMED, a Catholic video and audio streaming platform. Also available in Spanish.


The Virtues Marriage Enrichment Series

Marriage Enrichment

John and Teri Bosio’s program for married couples, The Virtues, is currently available online so couples can watch it together at home. The program consists of 4 short videos about the cardinal virtues: Prudence, Justice, Courage, and Temperance. 

Pontifical John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and the Family

The Institute seeks to provide a comprehensive understanding of person, marriage and family, faithful to the Catholic tradition in light of the teachings of the Second Vatican Council and Pope John Paul II. For those seeking reflections on marriage from our Popes and modern writers, this is a helpful resource.

Reflections on Marriage from our Popes and Communio

Reflections on Marriage

St. John Paul II has a wonderful reflection: 

God’s Gift of Life and Love: On Marriage and the Eucharist.

For Your Marriage 

Utah Marriage Commission

Relationship Resources


Other Marriage & Family Resources

The Popes Reflections on the Holy Family

The Pope Reflects on the Holy Family


Rooted in Love

Feeling a little stress in your marriage during this time of quarantine?  Dr. James Healy has provided a video series on how to work and improve your marriage during these times. These are short videos that provoke lots of thought and conversation.  These are free and you can subscribe and they will come to your inbox weekly.  Enjoy!  Jim Healy - Rooted in Love  


At Home with Faith

For family activities during this trying time, go here for weekly ideas At Home With Faith - Seattle Archdiocese 

