Parish Details

Saint Joseph Catholic Church, Ogden

Contact Info

Service Times

  • Daily Mass:  Monday - Friday 8:30 AM (English) & Tuesday - Thursday 6:00 PM (Spanish)
  • Every 1st Monday of the Month:  6:00 PM - Filipino Mass
  • Every 1st Friday of the Month: 11:00 AM - Healing Mass in Honor of the Sacred Heart
  • Every 1st Saturday of the Month: 8:30 AM - Holy Mass in Honor of the Immaculate Heart of Ma
  • Saturday Vigil Mass: 5:30 PM (English) & 7:00 PM (Spanish)
  • Sunday Mass:  8:30 AM & 11:30 AM (English); 10:00 AM & 1:00 PM (Spanish)
  • Holy Days: as announced in Bulletin
  • Confessions: Thursday 5:00 PM - 5:45 PM & Saturday 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM or anytime by appointment


Reverend Jose Emilio (Joshua)  Santos

Reverend Jose Emilio (Joshua) Santos

Pastor: Saint Joseph Catholic Church, Ogden and Schools/Saint Florence Catholic Mission, Huntsville/Associate Chaplain of Weber State Newman Center

Reverend Victor Alvarado-Renderos

Reverend Victor Alvarado-Renderos

Parochial Vicar: Saint Joseph Catholic Church, Ogden/Saint Florence Catholic Mission, Huntsville

Deacon Terrance Waiss

Saint Florence Catholic Mission, Huntsville/Saint Joseph Catholic Church, Ogden

Deacon Honorio Moreno

Saint Joseph Catholic Church, Ogden/Saint Florence in Huntsville

Deacon Howard Schuyler

Saint Joseph Catholic Church, Ogden
